Yin Yoga

Harmony and balance come from the world within

this is the nature of yin.


Clear tension and increase circulation, joint mobilisation, and flexibility with Yin.

This is a 60-minute class where we explore and stretch the deeper connective tissues. 

This class is about connecting to the deeper self and allowing the body to open in a gentle, relaxing practice. The long holds and focused practice will help you feel amazing and help release tension.

All levels welcome.

How it helps the body:

  • Calms and balances the mind and body
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Increases circulation
  • Improves flexibility
  • Releases fascia and improves joint mobility
  • Balances the internal organs and improves the flow of chi or prana 

you should try yin if:

  • You need to calm and balance the mind and body.
  • Reducing stress and anxiety from everyday life is important to you.
  • Learning to breathe to increase circulation and improve the flow of chi or prana.
  • You are sedentary role yin will improve flexibility and joint mobility.
  • You are active you need to release the fascia and improve the range of motion of the joints and ligaments.
  • You need to enhance emotional balance and promote mindfulness.

yin YOGA

Class Description:

Yin Yoga is a gentle practice of longer held, relaxed yoga postures, supported by bolsters, yoga blocks and other props.

It is practiced with muscles relaxed in order to target the body’s connective tissues - joints, tendons, ligaments, fascia, etc. This system of the body is what gives us our range of motion and supports the health of our muscles, organs, nervous system, and so on. Often when we experience pain, especially back pain, the fascia is stiff and sore, not the muscles. So, Yin Yoga is great for regaining and maintaining optimal fluid movement and relieving bodily aches and pains.

Yin Yoga postures are conducted mostly lying or sitting on the floor and are therefore suitable for almost everyone including those wanting to rehabilitate injury.

Intensity: Low

 Yin Yoga is a passive practice, supported with yoga props, and so is suitable for every body. It is also helpful for those recovering from injury, or just looking to bring some more movement back into their body when feeling stiff and sore. It is better to maintain at least some movement in your body, even when injured and Yin Yoga affords this opportunity.

We each are unique in our anatomical make up and therefore our teachers will offer a wide range of options within each pose so that you can open and tune your body regardless of age, injury, level of natural flexibility (or stiffness!) and that is why Yin Yoga is so popular today.

Its quiet and slow nature is also perfect for relaxing the mind and letting go of internal stress.

Level Of Fitness Required:

No minimum fitness requirements for Yin Yoga as it is suitable for everyone.

What To Bring To Class:

Students of Yin Yoga will need:

  • A yoga mat (bring your own or hire one at the studio)
  • A water bottle (not essential but handy if you get thirsty)
  • Appropriate yoga clothes (something you can sweat and stretch in). Note: although our Yin classes are heated the practice itself is internally cooling. So bring layers if it’s a cool day.

Further Information:

Our Yin Yoga classes are conducted in our heated studio practice spaces. Yin is a passive practice and therefore the warmth of the room keeps you feeling comfy and cosy.

Studio access is available from 15 minutes prior to the start of each scheduled class.

Other Yogas To Consider

Yin Yang

Relieve stress and develop strength, mobility, and coordination with Yin Yang flow.

This class combines classical yoga with elements of yin yoga, (a slow, passive style of yoga, done mostly on the floor in seated or lying-down postures), to create a balanced session that combines working out with relaxation.

Expect to leave feeling settled and grounded.


Flowing poses to build muscle strength, and improve fitness, stability, and flexibility.

Vinyasa yoga allows for a lot of variety but will almost always include sun salutations. Expect to move from pose to pose.

Whether the class is fast or slow, will depend on the individual teacher and the particular style in which they are trained. Some classes include warm-up stretches, while others launch straight into poses.


This class is a great way to stretch and feel empowered. Align is taught in the Vinyasa yoga style, where movement and postures move with the breath. 

This class will not be heated, so that you can go on with your day feeling amazing. Classes will range in time from 50mins to 75mins. 

Align classes are suitable for all levels from beginner to advanced and everything in between.


Download The Loft Studio App to easily book a class from your phone.

How to book your class via the website.

  1. Find the class inside the timetable
  2. Scroll down to the calendar
  3. Click on the date you wish to book
  4. Locate the class name and select ‘BOOK”.

Click on ‘View Details’ to find the location of each class.

Download our App today to book appointments and start your wellness journey

Taking care of yourself by practicing yoga can change the way you perceive things.



Give it a go for only $50 and see how you feel after two weeks.

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Shop 4, 2 Reyburn St, Whangarei

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